Why is pork restricted with ayahuasca?
Refraining from eating pork and pork products is among the most commonly accepted aspects of a healthy ayahuasca diet.
This prohibition is found in traditional lineages, whether they be from indigenous or mestizo lines, as well as in modern expressions of ayahuasca practice. Across the board, ceremony leaders will require participants to stop eating pork for periods of time before and after ceremony. This can range from a few days before to several weeks or months afterwards, and in some cases pork will be prohibited for life.
As with other restrictions in the context of ayahuasca and diet, there are varying viewpoints and ideas regarding why this is, how long it’s necessary, and where the prohibition comes from. In all cases, participants are encouraged to follow the specific requirements outlined by the Maestros, facilitators, or ceremony leaders they will be taking the medicine with.
So, why specifically pork?
First of all, pigs are considered to be “dirty” animals. They dig or roll around in the mud, and they are capable of eating just about anything without discrimination. This includes other pigs, trash, rotten meat, even human flesh. You name it, a pig will eat it. Hence, its meat is considered unclean. Contrast that with cows, for example, who primarily eat grass or grains.
Practically speaking, pork is also very dense, fatty, and heavy in the body. Implicit in an ayahuasca-healthy diet are light foods. If we think about how plants grow in nature, they require space—to grow tall, to spread their branches, and to maneuver their roots. That spaciousness also applies to how the plants function inside the body, as well as spiritually. They grow much better within you when there is more space for them take root and expand. A propensity of heavy or dense foods (and other dense energies) can make this more challenging, less effective.
Additionally, it can also be noted that pork flesh is utilized in medical applications (e.g. stents). The composition of pork flesh is similar enough to the human body that the human body will accept it as its own. Organs have also been found to be interchangeable between our species. This perhaps indicates the anatomical and biological similarity is too close to home for consumption.
Now, this is not to say that pork is “bad” or that it shouldn’t be consumed; that’s a personal decision. What’s important here is that the context and reasons for the prohibition are offered openly, and that participants understand and agree to follow the protocols in order to get the most out of the ayahuasca experience.
If at any time you feel the need to discuss this topic, feel free to contact us.
Abstain from eating pork at least one week prior to your retreat
For the duration of the retreat
For 30 days after your last ayahuasca ceremony
If you are doing the plant medicine dieta, abstain for 90 days after the dieta is “cut” (for more information on dieta, please visit this page)