Tree Medicine
Medicinal trees are foundational to Amazonian plant spirit medicine. They are one of the primary groups of plants that we work with and are essential to the healing process.
Typically species of hardwoods, the medicine trees are known locally as palos. Specialists in the medicinal and spiritual aspects of these particular trees are called paleros. Maestro Don Alberto comes from a long lineage of paleros and he continues to this day to share, teach, and practice as he was taught by his elders. A selection of trees are the main plants offered in our plant dietas—and like ayahuasca, each tree is considered a doctor and teacher in its own right.
Background & Context
The palero discipline is a complementary practice to ayahuasca shamanism, and it also exists independently as its own branch of knowledge. The first known record of admixture plants being incorporated with ayahuasca is from the late 19th century. Like with much knowledge of Amazonian history, the practice is, in all likelihood, significantly older. It is quite possible that the dieta as well as the process of mixing plants into ayahuasca to learn about them evolved hand-in-hand with what we know as ayahuasca shamanism. Hence, palero shamanism and ayahuasca shamanism are two aspects of a single system of plant medicine. Maestro Alberto is one of few remaining paleros who carries this medicine with a high-level of skill, training, and integrity.
While there are some 16,000 species of trees that grow in the Amazon, among these there are only around 40 species that carry spirit medicine, according to our lineage. Each tree is its own doctor spirit and teacher plant that can heal, guide, teach, and protect. Each one has unique properties, character, knowledge, and specialties. There is often extensive folklore and rich mythological tales about tree spirits, what they can do and how they interact with the human world. These tales provide teaching and context for connecting with, befriending, and ultimately gaining favor from the plants and their wisdom.
Lupuna Blanca
Working With Trees
Tree medicines bring additional spiritual energies to the ayahuasca experience, providing access to healing and energetic resources that are not available with ayahuasca alone. We work with trees in two primary ways at the Casa: by cooking a selection of tree barks into the ayahuasca brew, and in plant medicine dietas. The inclusion of tree medicines in this process is equivalent to expanding one’s medicine cabinet. The result is a holistic, complete system of plant spirit medicine.
When cooked with ayahuasca, the tree spirits bring structure, depth, dimension, and strength to the experience. Like the way vines ascend trees in the natural world, the spiritual energies of trees give shape and form to the ayahuasca experience in harmonious, synergistic, and beneficial ways. They allow the ayahuasca medicine to ascend, expand, take root, and fully blossom within you.
As part of our programs, we educate guests on how to work with trees alongside ayahuasca. This includes sharing in-depth knowledge of traditional perspectives and exploring how this translates to modern life. Guests get to see the tree barks, participate in their preparation, and we take guests into the jungle to meet some of the trees. We encourage each person to make meaningful connections with the plants, which plays an important role during the process and continues to inform the journey long after the experience.
The tree medicines work in harmony with ayahuasca. They bring a diversity of medicine as well as spiritual & energetic resources that enhance the overall experience.
Plant Medicine Diets
The plant diet, or dieta, is one of the primary methods for learning and receiving healing from the plant spirits. It is not a “diet” in the Western conception of the word. Rather, a plant dieta in the Amazonian tradition is a deep process of spiritual transformation. This can—and often does—include physical health benefits, but the primary intention of a dieta is to connect with the spirit of the plant or plants being dieted. These connections have wondrous effects on one’s holistic health that extend through the physical, into one’s mind and emotions, and endure in the spirit.
Deciding to embark on a plant dieta can be equally rigorous as it is rewarding. It requires discipline and commitment from each participant, and that commitment is met with astounding results. Dieters carry the medicine of the trees with them for a lifetime, initiating a profound, life-changing experience, the benefits of which can continue for years.
For more information on plant dietas, please see this page or contact us.

Ayahuma (Couroupita guianesis)
Bobinsana (Calliandra angustifolia)
Capirona (Calycophyllum spruceanum)
Cumaceba (Swartzia polyphylla)
Huacapurana (Campsiandra angustifolia)
Huaira Caspi (Cedrelinga catenaeformis)
Lupuna Blanca (Ceiba pentandra)
Remo Caspi (Aspidosperma excelsum)
Shiwawaku (Dipterx odorata)
Tamamuri (Brosimum acutifolium)