Plant Dieta Immersion

Join us for an 11-Day Immersion into the world of plant dieting held in the palero tradition of Maestro Alberto. Designed for experienced dieters, this retreat features 6 Ayahuasca ceremonies & a series of specialized workshops exploring the dieta process in-depth.

Participants will select from available plant medicines to create their own dieta preparation along with Maestro Alberto & our medicine team. Intended to be both experiential & educational, this journey is for those looking to deepen their understanding of plant medicine and learn how to get the most out of this transformational practice.


This unique journey includes the following offerings:

  • Introduction to tree medicine workshop

  • Specialized plant medicine selection: choose the plants you feel called to diet

  • How to work with Ayahuasca & tree medicines together

  • Q&A with Maestro Alberto about the traditional dieting experience

  • Plant medicine drawing/painting workshop

  • How to work with tree medicines in & out ceremony

  • How to continue engaging with the dieta while at home

  • Post-dieta guidebook that synthesizes the material covered during the retreat

The Immersion Retreat features the same offerings & level of care provided by the Casa on our core 9-Day Ayahuasca Retreats. See our Retreat Overview page for more information.


* Ayahuma (Couroupita guianesis)

* Bobinsana (Calliandra angustifolia)

* Capirona (Calycophyllum spruceanum)

* Cumaceba (Swartzia polyphylla)

* Huacapurana (Campsiandra angustifolia)

* Huaira Caspi (Cedrelinga catenaeformis)

* Lupuna Blanca (Ceiba pentandra)

* Remo Caspi (Aspidosperma excelsum)

* Shiwawaku (Dipterx odorata)

* Tamamuri (Brosimum acutifolium)

NOTE: Available plants will be based on what we can access at the time of the workshop; participants can request certain plants ahead of time & we will do our best to have them for you!

Experience the medicine in a simple, powerful, effective way.

Our plant dietas are led by Ayahuasquero-Palero Maestro Alberto Torres Davila & supported by an experienced medicine team. Participants will gain firsthand experience about how the plant medicines work from a traditional perspective while being encouraged to discover for themselves their own unique process.

Workshops are presented in an open, exploratory manner, with a focus on practical application, education & experiential validity. The intention for this retreat is to provide a strong foundation for deep healing & meaningful transformation that continues to inform & guide one’s spiritual development & connection.

  • 10:30 am - Meet in Iquitos, check-in w/transport company
    11:00 am - Bus ride to Nauta
    13:00 pm - Arrive in Nauta, board the boat to Herrera, lunch
    16:30 pm - Arrive at port in Herrera
    17:00 pm - Settle in at Casa Del Maestro, orientation
    19:00 pm - Dinner

  • 08:30 am - Breakfast
    10:00 am - Pre-ayahuasca & dieta overview discussion
    13:00 pm - Lunch
    14:00 pm - Introduction to dieta plants
    15:00 pm - Dieta selection & prep with Maestro
    17:00 pm - Dieters start the dieta
    20:00 pm - Ayahuasca ceremony

  • 08:30 am - Breakfast
    10:00 am - Group sharing
    11:00 am - Exploration of tree spirits workshop
    13:00 pm - Lunch
    15:00 pm - Swimming trip
    17:00 pm - Dieters continue the dieta
    20:00 pm - Ayahuasca ceremony

  • 08:30 am - Breakfast
    10:00 am - Group sharing
    11:00 am - Property walk
    13:00 pm - Lunch
    17:00 pm - Dieters continue the dieta
    18:00 pm - Guided meditation
    19:00 pm - Dinner

  • 08:30 am - Breakfast
    10:00 am - Dieting as spiritual practice workshop
    13:00 pm - Lunch
    16:00 pm - Q&A w/ Maestro
    17:00 pm - Dieters continue the dieta (final remedy)
    20:00 pm - Ayahuasca ceremony

  • 08:30 am - Breakfast
    10:00 am - Group sharing
    13:00 pm - Lunch
    15:00 pm - Swimming trip & jungle hike
    20:00 pm - Ayahuasca ceremony

  • 08:30 am - Breakfast
    10:00 am - Tree drawing/painting workshop
    13:00 pm - Lunch
    18:00 pm - Evening yoga/guided meditation
    19:00 pm - Dinner

  • 08:30 am - Breakfast
    10:00 am - Group discussion on dieta practice at home
    13:00 pm - Lunch
    15:00 pm - Group activity
    18:00 pm - Evening yoga
    20:00 pm - Ayahuasca ceremony

  • 08:30 am - Breakfast
    10:00 am - Group sharing
    13:00 pm - Lunch
    14:00 pm - Preparation for final ceremony
    20:00 pm - Ayahuasca ceremony

  • 05:00 am - Wake up call
    05:30 am - Cut the dieta w/Maestro
    08:30 am - Celebratory breakfast
    10:00 am - Group photos
    10:30 am - Jungle trip
    14:30 pm - Lunch
    16:00 pm - Local artisans
    19:00 pm - Dinner

  • 05:00 am - Wake up call
    05:30 am - Goodbyes w/Maestro, departure
    06:00 am - Take away breakfast
    06:10 am - Boat departs
    11:00 am - Drop-off & arrival in Iquitos

11-Day Dieta Immersion Dates


with 6 ayahuasca ceremonies & 4 plant dieta remedies

- Cost & Accommodations -

$2390 per person