Preparation & Integration
Casa Del Maestro’s team offers preparation and integration sessions for anyone looking for in-depth guidance before or after your journey with the medicine.
Our experienced facilitators and plant medicine guides are here to help you navigate everything related to getting prepared for ayahuasca, all that can happen after you meet the medicine, and anything else that you need as it relates to the process.
Being prepared is fundamental to the ayahuasca experience. Preparation sessions include
Logistic details & travel advice
Dietary consult: how best to prepare for ayahuasca—what to eat, what to avoid, what works for you
Recommended activities tailored to your needs to prepare your mind & spirit to meet the medicine
Doing the dieta? How best to approach & excel in the plant dieta
Undecided? We can help see if plant medicine is right for you
Question & answers: anything & everything you want to know beforehand!
Intention setting: discover, refine & begin engaging with what brings you to the medicine
Get oriented on what to expect so you arrive ready for the journey
Integration is essential to get the most out of the medicine experience. Sessions are focused on
Meaning making: how to make sense of your journey once home
Integrating the dieta: practical ways to cultivate connection & have success during the post-dieta
Recommended activities & practices designed to help foster deeper connection between you, the medicine & daily life
Sharing your story: guidance on how to share your experience with others
Open question & answers on your unique integration process
Going deeper: explore messages, visions & insights from your ayahuasca experience & how they are fitting into life at home
What’s next: guidance on how to map your life after ayahuasca
Guided, intuitive feedback meant to offer a fresh, inspired perspective

Matthew Toussaint
Matthew is a committed plant medicine guide who has been working in Don Alberto’s lineage for over 10 years. He has a unique way of bringing clarity and practicality to the medicine experience. He draws on his background in anthropology, a wealth of experience in shamanism, and his knowledge of the human psyche to help guide others on their path in meaningful, effective ways.
Anna Petrova
Anna is an experienced facilitator originally from Russia. She has done extensive work in a variety of plant medicine settings. She enjoys offering female support to women on a journey of discovery and transformation. With a background in psychology, Anna also utilizes her knowledge of nutrition, yoga, and human design to support each person as they learn with ayahuasca and beyond.
To book a session, scan the QR code and enter the corresponding amount. Upon receipt of payment, we will be in touch with you shortly to schedule a time.
Alternatively, you can pay directly using the Casa del Maestro PayPal account
45 min Preparation with Matt
60 min Integration with Matt
45 min Preparation with Anna
60 min Integration with Anna