Why is sex restricted with ayahuasca?
Sexual abstinence is required for a period of time before, during, and after an ayahuasca experience.
The reasons for this may vary, depending on who you talk to. The time periods for which abstinence is necessary can also vary by tradition, from Maestro to Maestro, or group to group. However, in virtually every legitimate tradition or lineage that works with ayahuasca, some form of sexual abstinence is standard practice. If that is not the case, caution should be exercised in deciding to participate in ceremonies with people who do not advocate as such.
Generally speaking, sexual activity in proximity to taking ayahuasca can negatively impact the experience. In some discussions about ayahuasca, it is said that the spirit of the plant is “jealous” and that it will take away whatever gifts or healing it has bestowed upon someone if they have sex outside the established parameters. This is consistent with Amazonian folklore about plant spirits.
Perhaps said in another way, engaging in sexual activity can certainly disrupt the process of healing, essentially making the medicine less effective. Because ayahuasca energetically opens a person in significant and profound ways, it functions best—and safest—with as little external energetic interruption or influence as possible.
Needless to say, sexual expression is also a profound and powerful force, and the mixing of the two can bear consequences that range from an ineffective experience to causing harm to one’s psychological and emotional well-being. This manifests as a worsened condition, often the exact opposite of what was intended to be healed. It can leave participants with crossed or misaligned energy, internal suffering, spiritual disconnection, and feelings of being lost, unwell, or emotionally damaged. This is particularly critical during the time ayahuasca is being consumed and for the period afterwards.
Furthermore, sex can also be a distraction from and thwart the deeper healing that is taking place in subtle, unconscious ways. This has direct implications for people healing from sexual trauma, abuse, or relationship difficulties. Maintaining sexual neutrality for the duration of the abstinence period not only allows for optimal conditions to get the most out of the experience with the medicine, but it also prevents further harm and needless suffering.
This does not necessarily mean that the plant is jealous and punishing someone for breaking the rules. It does, however, indicate the seriousness of this work. It is a delicate process and should be treated with care and respect.
It should also be noted that this is not a moral or ethical stance on sexuality. To the contrary; the plants are masters at helping participants discover deeper and more fulfilling connections within the context of relationships and intimacy. It’s really important to allow this process to take place by respecting the guidelines, and giving oneself the best chance possible to get what is needed from the medicine.
While it may not make sense now, it is quite common for guests to gain a deeper understanding of this once they experience ayahuasca.
If at any time you feel the need to discuss this topic, don’t hesitate to contact us.
Refrain from all sexual activity at least 3 days prior to your retreat
For the duration of the retreat
For 7 days after your last ayahuasca ceremony (this includes masturbation)
If you are doing the plant medicine dieta, abstain for 30 days after the dieta is “cut” (visit this page to see all the plant dieta requirements)